Sunday, February 28, 2010

First day of Crohns diet

I didn't get fat for no reason. I AM AN EMOTIONAL EATER. I am usually a stress case, a procrastinator, a lazy person who has the best of intentions, and a caregiver to everyone, but now things have changed. I am now a sick person. I have recently been diagnosed with IBD of unknown type. Could it be Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis? The just don't know yet because of the meds. My family is tired of me being sick. For over Four months I have been sick or sickly with only a few good days. The meds are now helping, but not all is right. I take 12 meds, but they are going down in numbers. I take 6 Asacol daily, 2 prednisone, 1 multivitiamin, 2 colace, 1 nexium. I now have hemmorhoids which bug me most all the time of which it doesn't seem the colace is helping. Moments after I eat, I get stabbing pains in my gut. I wonder because it happens so fast, is it my imagination. Who knows.

Today is Sunday, February 28th and it is 9:30am. I have been up since 7 and done nothing constructive except put the parts of my Chicken soup together. I took my Nexium with a glass of half grape juice and half water. I just had a cup of the Chicken soup which is extremely bland. I had to add salt and pepper becasue it was just Bland. I will take the rest of my morning pills with water which I should drink more of, but I HATE WATER. My brother says it is what I need. He says symptoms of dehydrations are lythargia, confusion, tired and of course those are many problems I am dealing with. I will try to drink more water, but I have been sayin that for weeks.

I picked fresh oranges yesterday and have been having a glass of fresh squeezed OJ everyday for a week now. It taste good, but does it do me good. I can't say.

I am still hungry. I will make myself a fried egg and maybe some homemade ketchup. I don't know if I can do this. Ketchup didn't turn out too well, but I saved it anyway.